Today, Christoph took a few of us out onto the Bodensee (Lake Constance). The Bodensee is a very large lake that forms part of the border between Austria, Germany, & Switzerland.
We got a late start, but it was a very nice and relaxing day as a tourist. We jumped on the passenger ferry that took us from Bregenz along the northern edge and German border to the towns of Lindau & eventually to our destination of Friedrichshafen. The boat ride was relaxing and seeing all of the sailboats in Lake Constance made me a bit homesick, and reminded me that the Duck Dodge on Lake Union begins tomorrow. I really miss my boat, the waters around Lk. Washington & the beauty of Puget Sound.
In Friedrichshafen we kicked back, bought some lunch and relaxed, people watched & chatted in the sun. I finally bought some sunglasses, a cheap pair from a tourist shop & we raced some ominous looking clouds back to Bregenz. Just missing the rain storm, we grabbed some Gelato on the beach and eventually walked back through the Bregenzer Altstadt to our cars.
From there, Christoph led us up into the mountains to the Bregenz Castle and oldest sections of the city. From there was a stunning view of Bodensee and the forthcoming sunset. There's a place I'll definitely have to return to when Niki & Keegan get to town at the end of June.
After that, Christoph led us through a beautiful drive through Bregenzerwald, the alpine portion of Vorarlberg. It was beautiful and I think Niki, Keegan, & I may have to check out a bed & breakfast up there when they're here. Maybe make a weekend out of it.
All in all, a good day, with good company, and beautiful weather.
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